Mastering the Art of Self-Defense with BJJ

Self defense can seem like a skill that you may never need, but learning to master the art of self defense is an invaluable skill, should you ever be in a situation that requires physically protecting oneself. 

Read on to learn more about statistics surrounding self defense today, how BJJ can help teach self defense techniques, and how classes at KAIZEN can provide self defense training.

What is Self Defense?

Merriam-Webster defines self defense as the act of defending oneself, one’s property, or a close relative. When someone may be in need of self defense, physical force can be used to counter an act of violence that is an immediate threat.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in 2020 that 47% of reported violent victimizations involved an offender using a weapon with only 8% of all violent victimizations in the US involving self-defense actions by the victim. With the high number of violent victimizations reported using a weapon and a low number countered by self defense, it is important that people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds are equipped with basic techniques to lessen threatening situations and give power to victims.

Threatening situations require the need for quick decisions and reflexive movements that may cause more harm to the victim if not done with confidence. Women are encouraged to participate in self defense workshops as the confidence levels of women in their ability to defend themselves from an attacker increased from 56% prior to attending any self defense workshop to 96% confidence after attendance according to the Office of Justice Programs.

How Does BJJ Translate to Self Defense?

Many styles of martial arts, specifically BJJ, teach self defense techniques that can be used in unarmed situations requiring physical force to control a threatening situation and escape any harm that may have come of it.

BJJ offers different aspects of a martial art form that is effective for self defense including the particular feature of the sport where the fight is taken to the ground and utilizes leverage and timing to submit one’s opponent. Because leverage and timing are the main components of the fight, it equalizes the playing field among all ages and genders.

BJJ also offers realistic training, as well as live sparring which places students in real-life situations under pressure where quick, informed, and confident decisions need to be made. Sparring with opponents in a BJJ class allows for students to learn, adapt, and grow in live situations where the maneuvers used closely resemble the movements required during a self defense necessary encounter.

The adaptability to various situations is an aspect of BJJ that also is effective for self defense as training in this martial art sport offers students various scenarios, whether that is standing combat or grappling on the mat, which mimic situations that may require self defense.

Benefits of Learning Self Defense

Learning basic self-defense techniques allow everyone to be more prepared if ever faced with a situation where you need to protect yourself. Equipping yourself with proper techniques can offer several benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

  • Boosting Confidence - Learning to protect yourself in dangerous situations, and practicing those techniques properly, can lead to an increased boost of confidence knowing that you are capable of protecting yourself.

  • Teaches Self-Discipline - Learning BJJ to help with self defense will teach self-discipline. Through BJJ classes and continued practice in mastering self discipline will allow you to control your movements, breath, and mind should you ever be in a situation where self defense is required.

  • Establishing Personal Boundaries - In BJJ classes, students establish personal boundaries with maneuvers and sparring situations that translate to learning to recognize a potentially dangerous situation. Being able to communicate those boundaries effectively tells a potential attacker that you are confident in your abilities and may not be an easy target for them.

  • Preventing Injury - Learning to perform maneuvers properly can lead to a reduced risk for injury, not only during training, but during a potential dangerous situation. Improving your reflexes and coordination can help you, should you ever engage in acts of self defense as you can protect your body while performing techniques designed for escape or taking over the attacker.

Self Defense and BJJ at KAIZEN

At KAIZEN, self defense is one of the built-in objectives for our classes. Students in BJJ classes will learn basic self defense maneuvers while training in sport Jiu Jitsu. When considering how to best approach using self defense tactics in a real life situation, it is best to leverage the fight so that the playing field is even among all ages and genders.

Students in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes at KAIZEN will work with instructors and other students to learn several different maneuvers throughout their training that are not only critical in BJJ, but also, we hope that our students, friends, and family members may never need to use self defense techniques, but we encourage that all are prepared, confident, and ready to make quick decisions should a threatening situation in real-life occur.

Start your journey to mastering the art of self defense with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes at KAIZEN.


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