Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Fundamentals

Yoga Fundamentals is the perfect class for you if you're interested in yoga but don't know where to begin. This introductory class focuses on poses that stretch and strengthen the legs, back, and shoulders, with an emphasis on the basic alignment of the most common poses. It will also help you refine and build endurance in beginner postures.

The Statista Research Department found that the number of U.S. adults who had practiced yoga in the last 12 months increased by 63.8% from 2010 to 2021. This is not surprising, as yoga is one of the best ways for anyone to start or remain active, both physically and mentally.

History of Yoga

Yoga is a mind, body, and spirit practice originating from ancient India. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj”, which means “to yoke” or “to unite”. The earliest written records of yoga date back to the 2nd century B.C., but yoga is believed to have been practiced for centuries before that. Yoga has spread around the world and is practiced today by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Yoga is a holistic practice that aims to unite the mind, body, and spirit. It is a system of physical, mental, and spiritual exercises that are designed to promote physical and mental well-being. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels, and there are many different types of yoga to choose from.

Benefits of Yoga
The benefits of yoga are vast, so consistently practicing is an amazing way to improve your physical and mental health. It is a safe and effective practice that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. If you are looking for a way to improve your well-being, yoga is a great option to consider. Yoga provides numerous benefits including:

  • Flexibility - Improve flexibility and range of motion by stretching and lengthening the muscles. This can help to improve posture, reduce pain, and make everyday activities easier.

  • Build Strength - Build strength by strengthening core muscles. This can help to improve balance, stability, and reduce the risk of injury. 

  • Balance and Coordination -  Improve balance and coordination. This can help to reduce the risk of falls and improve athletic performance. 

  • Stress and Anxiety - Reduce stress and anxiety. The physical and mental relaxation that yoga provides can result in less stress and anxiety. 

  • Sleep Quality and Duration - Improve sleep quality and duration. The reduction in stress and anxiety, as well as the physical relaxation that yoga provides allows you to sleep more soundly.

  • Reduce Pain - Reduce pain in the back, neck, and other areas in the body. By stretching and lengthening the muscles, as well as the strengthening of the core muscles, the body becomes more aligned and pain is reduced.

  • Increase Energy - Boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. The physical activity and mental relaxation that yoga provides increase energy levels.

  • Improve Mood - Yoga can help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety due to the reduction in stress and anxiety, as well as the physical and mental relaxation that yoga provides. 

  • Increase Self & Body Awareness -  Increase self-awareness and body awareness by focusingon the breath and the body. 

  • Boost Self-Confidence - Increase self-confidence and self-esteem. Yoga offers physical and mental accomplishments, as well as the sense of community.

What to Expect During Your First Yoga Class

During your first yoga class, we suggest wearing comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Classes begin with light stretching and breathing exercises, which help to prepare your body for the more challenging poses that follow. Our instructors will guide you through each pose and help you modify as needed. Feeling some discomfort is normal, but it is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. Our classes end with relaxation exercises, which help you to wind down and de-stress. It is important to remember that progression takes time and everyone moves at their own pace. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the experience.

Here are some additional tips for your first yoga class:

  • Arrive a few minutes early so you can have time to check in and get settled.

  • Bring a mat and waterbottle (the studio does provide mats to borrow)

  • Listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard.

  • If you feel any pain, stop and rest.

  • Breathe deeply and relax into the poses.

    Have fun!
    Our Yoga Fundamentals Class runs on Tuesdays from 4:00pm-5:00pm with Colleen Brescia. Check out  the rest of our schedule here and book a class at KAIZEN today!


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